Released in August of 2004, and recorded with Aaron Crawford (Flee the Seen, Given with Honor, Norma Jean) at his original Doublewide Studios in Lansing, KS.
Track listing:
1. Leaving Three Years Behind
2. Eyes of Hope
3. Apostate
4. Icarus Decimated
5. Your Last Moments
NOTICE: If you are ordering this with a shirt, your order will be shipped once shirts are pressed. If you are ordering this by itself, it will be shipped the next day. If you are attending the show and want to pick this (and other items should you order them) up the night of, let us know, and once you pick them up, we'll re-fund the shipping amount. If you don't pick your item(s) up, we'll ship everything the next day.
All proceeds of sales will go the Ryan Beye Foundation, a non-profit charity started in Ryan Beye's name that provides grants and help to local organizations that better the local arts and community.